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Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

Genius Property Spain

According to the law 34/2002, of the 11th of July, concerning services of information and electronic trade with information (LSSI-CE), we inform all clients and users of the website by means of this legal note that the proprietor of this website is Stewart Banks TA:Genius Property Spain (e-Mail: info@geniuspropertyspain.com) with the business address of: Av. Federico Garcia Lorca 36BIS, Benijofar (Alicante), telephone 865753044, NIE Nr. X4927390P

Confidentiality and Data Protection

According to the law 15/99 (Ley Organica) concerning the protection of personal data, we herewith inform you that data given to us will be saved in a database, proprietor of which is Genius Property Spain and the sole purpose of which is to act in your interest and according to your request. In no case will this data be given for any other purposes to third parties. This is in accordance to the law of data protection of the LORTAD (ley organica 15/1999, 13th December)

The Right of Opposition, Correction and Actualisation of Data

According to the art. 5 of the Organic Law 15/99 of Protection of personal information, we inform the person whose information is requested in this document about the existence of a database property of Genius Property Spain., in which the personal data will be saved. By means of the transmitting your data into our forms and document you understand and expressly allow the communication of this information to Genius Property Spain. as well as the third parties that work for us on your behalf. The right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition will be able to be exercised by sending Genius Property Spain (info@geniuspropertyspain.com) an e-mail to the person in charge of the treatment of personal data, based on the current legislation".


The material contained within all of our marketing material has been prepared for information purposes only. Information contained herein is not to be relied upon as a basis of any contract or commitment.

The information is not to be construed as an offer, invitation or solicitation to invest and opinions expressed are subject to change without prior notice.

No personal recommendation is being made to you and the past is not necessarily a guide to the future.

Genius Property Spain act as an introducer and we recommend the use of a lawyer to advise on any written contractual agreements.

It is also the responsibility of your lawyer to check any title deeds and bank guarantee attributed to your property.

It is our responsibility to carry out an inspection of the said property but this in no way makes us liable or contractually obligated.



1. What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded in your computer when you access certain websites. The cookies allow a website, among other things, to store information about the browsing habits of a user or its team, and, depending on the information that they have and the way your device is being used, they may be used to recognize they user.

2. Your rights.

In compliance with the Law 34/2002, July 11th, of services of the society of the information and of electronic commerce (LSSICE), the responsible must obtain the consent of the User of all the websites that use analytics, advertisement and affiliation cookies. There is an exception on the compliance of this law for the cookies used with the only purpose of allowing the communication between the device of the user and the net (technical cookies) or of providing a service specifically required by the user.

3. Types of cookies.

Depending on the entity that manages them:

  • Cookies of our own: those that are sent to the device of the user from a device or domain managed by the editor himself and from where the requested service is provided.
  • Third persons’ cookies: those that are sent to the device of the user from a device or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by other entity that manages the data obtained through cookies.

Depending on the time they remain activated:

  • Session cookies: they are a kind of cookies designed to catch and store data while the user accesses a website. They are usually used to store information that only needs to be preserved for the providing of the service requested by the user, in one only occasion.
  • Persistent cookies: they are a kind of cookies in which the data remain stored in the device and they may be accessed and managed during a certain time by the manager of the cookie. That time may vary from minutes to years.

Depending on their purpose:

  • Technical cookies: those that allow the user to browse trough a website, platform of app and the use of its options and/or services.
  • Personalization cookies: those that allow the user to access the service with some general caracteristics predefined according to a series of criteria in the device of the user (language, type of browser, regional settings… etc).
  • Analysis cookies: those that allow their manager the analysis of the behavior of the websites they are linked to (measurement of the activity, making of browsing profiles of the users, etc) with the purpose of introducing improvements according to the analysis of the data of the users’ use of the website.
  • Advertising cookies: those that allow the management, in the most efficient way that is possible, of the advertising spaces that the editor has included in the website, app or platform from where the service requested is provided according to criteria such as the edited content or the frequency in which the advertisements show.
  • Behavioral advertisement cookies: advertisement cookies that store information about the behavior of the users obtained through the constant observation of your browsing habits, with the purpose of developing a specific profile to show advertisements according to it.

4. Types of cookies used in this website.

  • PHPSESSID: technical and session cookie that contains the identifier of the session. It is essential for the functioning of the web.
  • _lang: technical and session cookie that contains the language of the session.
  • _ga: cookie of Google Analytics that is used to distinguish the users. It expires 2 years from the last update.
  • _gid: cookie of Google Analytics that is used to distinguish the users. It expires 24 hours from the last update.
  • _zlcmind: cookies used by the tool ZOPIM to allow chatting live with our employees.

5. How to disable cookies in some browsers.

You have the possibility of setting your browser to be warned onscreen every time you receive a cookie, so that you can stop it from being installed in your device. If you want to know more about this, please read the instructions and manuals of your browser:

Google Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

Microsoft Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/es-es/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Microsoft Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/es-es/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-sitios-web-rastrear-preferencias

Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?locale=es_ES



Privacy statement


This website is property of GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN., responsible of the

treatment, whose registered office is in AVDA FEDERICO GARCIA LORCA No. 36bis,

03178 BENIJOFAR (ALICANTE). Email: info@geniuspropertyspain.com. The domain name of

the responsible in internet is www.geniuspropertyspain.com.

1. Legal Information

Welcome to the website of GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN that has been designed with the objective of providing you general information about the activity and services we offer. The terms and conditions that will be applied during your browsing on this website can be found in the section “General Conditions of Use” of the present document, according to the current regulations. You are reminded that the responsible may modify in any moment this conditions unilaterally, so it is advised that you visit them usually in order to be properly informed of possible changes made. The last modification of the present Privacy and cookies policy was made on August 12th, 2021.

The access to the website is free, except for the related to the cost of the connection through the net of telecommunications provided by the supplier of access hired by the users. The use of the website automatically turns you into a user, and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Privacy policy.

To guarantee that your browsing adjusts to the criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, the user is informed that any doubt or suggestion about the present Privacy policy will be received and managed trough the email address info@vincent-realestate.com

2. General Conditions of Use

2.1. General

The user promises to use properly the website, according to the law and this General Conditions of Use, and will have to answer before GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN or before third persons to any kind of damage and harm that might be caused as a consequence of the incompliance of this obligation. It is strictly forbidden the use of the website with ends harmful of the goods or interests of the responsible or of third persons or that in any other way they overload, harm or make useless the nets, servers and other technological devices (hardware) or products and apps (software).

2.2. Industrial and Intellectual Property

All the contents of the website –understanding as such the texts, photographs, graphics, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or talking content, just like its graphic design and font codes (from now on, “the contents”)-- are intellectual property of GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN., and they cannot be understood as ceded to the user any of the exploitation rights further than the strictly necessary for the use of the website. Likewise, all the marks, commercial names, logos and distinctive signs are property GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN  and they will not be copied or used by the user unless he has express authorisation from the responsible.

The user promises not to copy, reproduce, distribute, put at the disposal or publicly communicate in any other way, transform or edit the contents except in the cases authorized by the law or expressly consented by GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN or, if it were the case, by whoever holds the title of the exploitation rights. The access to the website does not imply under any circumstances any kind of resignation, transmission, license or cession total nor partial of said rights, unless the contrary is expressly established. The user must abstain from reproducing or copying for private use the contents that may be considerd as Software or Database according to the current regulations, just as is public communication or put on disposal of third persons when this actions necessarily imply the reproduction by the user or a third person.

2.3. Contents

The user promises to use the contents according to the law and the General Conditions of Use, just as the other conditions, regulations or instructions that, if it were the case, may result of the application of conformity with the section 5 of the present Privacy policy.

2.4. Obligations and responsibilities of the user of the website

The user promises to use the website in a proper and fair way, just as of its services and contents, according to the current regulations, the General Conditions of Use, the moral and the good manners generally accepted and the public order.

2.5. Forms of Collection of Data

The use of certain services or the attention of applications directed to GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN  are conditioned to the previous completion of the corresponding form of collection of data prepared for such task. The user promises to provide true information when completing the forms with his personal data and to keep them updated in every moment so that they are equal to reality. In all cases the user will be the only responsible of the fake or inaccurate statements he makes and of the harm that the information he provides causes to the responsible or third persons.

If the users of this website needed to provide their email address to access any of the offered services or to voluntarily identify themselves in the case of a satisfaction survey, they will be able to manifest that they do not wish to receive any kind of communication, as long as it is not strictly linked to the end for which the service was requested in the first place. GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN. has at the disposal of the users that have registered in any kind ofmail list inside this website an email address trough which they may deregister from thisservice: info@geniuspropertyspain.com

2.6. Information about Products

All the information contained or referenced in this website has the only purpose of being an introduction to the services provided by the responsible. Please, contact the responsible directly to ask for help or instructions related to his products or services.

3. Responsibilities

GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN  is not responsible nor guarantees that the access to this website is flawless or cannot be interrupted by possible programming mistakes or other causes. Anyway, in no case he will be responsible for the losses, damages or harms of any kind that appear because of the access and use of the website, including (but not limiting) to the occasioned to the computer system or caused by the introduction of a virus; nor by those that may be occasioned to the user for an inadequate use of this website. In particular, we do not take responsibility in any way for the drops, interruptions, faults or flaws of the communications.

The responsible does not check in every moment every single one of the webs from third persons that are linked with this website and to where the user might be redirected, and does not assume any kind of responsibility regarding the contents they may hold. If he finds content contrary to the law, the moral or the public order, the responsible will proceed to the immediate removal of the link to the web page in matter and to the communication of this situation to the authorities, according to the article 16 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11th, of services of the society of the information and of electronic commerce (LSSICE). This circumstance is extended to the information and the contents held in forums, chats, comments, social media, blogs and similar.

4. Privacy

4.1. Data Protection

The visit to this website does not mean that the user is forced to provide any information about himself. If the user provides any personal information, the personal data collected in this website will be used with the purpose, in the way and with the limitations and rights expected by the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 April 27th 2016 (General Data Regulation), the Organic Law of Data Protection (LOPD) and further legislation in matter of data protection. The data provided by the user will be incorporated to the personal files in which GENIUS PROPERTY SPAIN is responsible, where they will be kept confidentially and complying with the corresponding security measures.

The responsible will proceed to the cancellation of the collected data when these stop being necessary for the purpose they were collected for.

If the personal data were to be used for a different purpose than they were collected for, previous consent from the user will be required.

4.2. Your rights

The users whose data is being treated will be able to freely execute their rights of access, edit and delete of their personal data, just as of limitation or opposition to the treatment, addressing the responsible through the contact:


BENIJOFAR (ALICANTE). Email: info@geniuspropertyspaincom.

4.3. Security and confidentiality

The access to the personal data is restricted to those employees that have the need to use them and that have been properly trained to manage them, observing strict levels of confidentiality with the purpose of avoiding, as long as it is possible, any loss, modification or misuse of them.

4.4. Cookies

This website uses cookies of his own or of third persons that may be to identify a session of users (session cookies) and/or a team or device (persistent). This cookies are only associated to a user and his computer, and they do not provide the  name of the user or any personal data by themselves. They also cannot read data from your disk nor cookie files created by other suppliers.

The cookies are files sent to a browser trough a web server with the objective of registering browsing of the user of the website, when he allows its reception.

4.5. IP Address

An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the internet. When you browse the website, the servers will automatically detect the IP address and the name of the domain used by the user. All of this information is registered in files of activity of the server that allow the later processing of the data with the purpose of obtaining merely statistic measurements about the number of page impressions, visits made to web servers, the order of the visits, access points, etc.

5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The applicable law in the case of an argument or a conflict in the understanding of the terms and conditions of this website, just like any issue related to the revises offered in it, will be the

Spanish law, being competent for the resolution of the conflicts derivate of its use the Courts and Tribunals closest to BENIJOFAR (ALICANTE).


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